Things are always moving at 90 miles an hour around here... or so it seems.
Trae's working on joining the marines... but apparently if you only have one testicle, joining the military is frowned on. Really? Does it get in the way, or what? You know... "I'm sorry, Sarge! I can't hold my gun properly today because I'm feeling a little lopsided!" Seriously? It doesn't help that the recruiter doesn't have a brain in his skull. "I don't know what a medical release form is" and "I've never had a parent come back and say that the doctor/hospital charged for information" - I want to know what dr's everyone else has that doesn't charge? It was $30 for a letter from our current doctor (that isn't admissible for our needs), and Texas Children's Hospital charges $65 for their records... but it's FREE from Texas Children's if the military submits a records request... and I had to get that information from the hospital, NOT from the recruiter. GRRRR!!
Jessica (16) was able to fill in at Sallie Fisher's Frame Shop in Tomball today. Her first "official" but "unofficial" job LOL It was basically a matter babysitting a very quiet store front. (It's a wonderful Custom Frame Shop in Tomball, Tx - they have some fabulous works of art in the shop, in addition to the frames). Thank goodness for the fact that we print their school work and don't always use it on the computer. (It's the Switched on Schoolhouse curriculum - totally excellent for us, and so versatile!) She didn't do her French lessons today, because those really DO need the computer, but I printed everything else that she needed and she was able to take it with her. You definitely have to love that!
Victoria (15) worked on getting the laundry caught up, peeked through some dress patterns to choose a couple, and did her school work on the laptop... I need to see if SOS has Italian - that's what she wants to learn... You'd think at least ONE of the kids would choose German
Brittani (13) is "just" Brittani. She was outside quite a bit today - we finally came out of this rainy season we've been having, and are enjoying the sun... she played on the trampoline for quite awhile, and was out petting on the new baby goat. She keeps insisting that we should name it Dumbo because he has big ears, but that just seems mean, poor thing. (Of course, I'm the one who wanted to call it Chewbacca the day he was born LOL - that didn't stick, either).
Zachary (11) is your typical boy... into icky things and grossness and rocks. He really likes rocks.
This evening at church, we were picking up the girls (my 3 plus one), and some mom accosted me and told me she didn't think that the other little girl should be attending Wednesday nights because she's disruptive, and feels that I should talk to the child's parents. Seriously? (1.) I don't bring the child to church, I just take her home. (2.) apparently, disruptive means that she takes too many trips to the bathroom REALLY?? (3.) she lives with her grandparents, not her parents, and I'm not going to tell her grandparents that someone thinks her grandchild pees too often, (4.) I've NEVER had a problem with this child being disruptive, and she's spent the night at our house on multiple occasions, (5.) I didn't witness disruptive behavior from her, so I'm not about to "tattle" on someone else's behalf.
I was just floored... it's one thing for someone to pull me aside and talk to me about MY children, but I don't think it's appropriate for someone to pull me aside to talk about someone else's child. Is this normal? Really?
And now it's time for me to settle down and Grade Brittani & Zachary's school work. The drawback of printing their work is that I have to grade it by hand... but the perk is that I get to see how crummy their handwriting is and attempt to work on that... and I also get to see precisely where they have trouble and can help them where they need it. Since they're younger, they need the extra guidance, so it works for us :-)
Good night!
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